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Regex Testing Tool

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Common Regex Patterns

  • Match Title Tag: '<title>(.*?)</title>' - Matches the content within the title tags of an HTML document.
  • Match Meta Description: '<meta name=["\']description["\'] content=["\'](.*?)["\']\s?\/?>' - Matches the content within the meta description tag of an HTML document.
  • Match H1 Tag: '<h1.*?>(.*?)</h1>' - Matches the content within the H1 tags of an HTML document.
  • Match Canonical Link: '<link rel=["\']canonical["\'] href=["\'](.*?)["\']\s?\/?>' - Matches the URL in the canonical link element of an HTML document.
  • Match Alt Tags: '<img[^>]*alt=["\'](.*?)["\']' - Matches the alt text of all images in an HTML document.
  • Match Schema Markup: '<script type=["\']application/ld\+json["\']>(.*?)</script>' - Matches the content within the JSON-LD schema markup tags of an HTML document.
  • Match Robots Meta Tag: '<meta name=["\']robots["\'] content=["\'](.*?)["\']\s?\/?>' - Matches the content within the robots meta tag of an HTML document.
  • Match Internal Links: '<a href=["\'](\/.*?)["\']' - Matches the href value of all internal links in an HTML document.
  • Match External Links: '<a href=["\'](http.*?)["\']' - Matches the href value of all external links in an HTML document.

Free Regex Testing Tool

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