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Robots.txt Generator

The Robots.txt Generator is a online tool that simplifies creating robots.txt files for website owners, SEO consultants and webmasters. It offers an easy-to-use interface, supports popular bots like Googlebot and BingBot, and allows custom User-agents.

Generated robots.txt Directives:

How to use the Robots.txt Generator:

  • Select one or more bots from the dropdown list, or add a custom User-agent in the input field
  • For each bot, specify the Disallow rules by pasting or typing the URLs you want to block in the Disallow input field
  • For each bot, specify the Allow rules by pasting or typing the URLs you want to grant access in the Allow input field
  • Click the "Generate robots.txt" button to create the robots.txt content based on your input
  • Copy the generated content from the readonly textarea and save it as a robots.txt file on your web server
  • Ensure that the robots.txt file is placed in the root directory of your website so that search engine crawlers can find and follow the rules