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    How to Compare URIs in Google Sheets Using a Formula

    When working with URLs in Google Sheets, sometimes you want to compare just the URI (the part after the domain) and ignore the domain and protocol (like http, https, or www). Here's a handy formula that does...

    How to Cache a Third-Party Script Using a Cloudflare Worker

    In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the process of caching a third-party JavaScript file (in this case, a script from the Web Vitals library) using a Cloudflare Worker.


    This approach allows you...
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    Google Sheets - Convert Screaming Frog PSI API Values Milliseconds to Seconds

    Below is how you can convert Screaming Frog PageSpeed Insights (PSI) values from milliseconds to seconds in Google Sheets. This makes the data much easier to read and share with your clients.




    Guide to Discussion Forum (DiscussionForumPosting) Structured Data

    Implementing DiscussionForumPosting structured data helps search engines better understand and display your forum content, improving your chances of appearing in relevant searches.


    This guide will explain...
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    How to view/stop viewing hidden files in Windows 11

    In Windows 11, many system and application files generated by the system are hidden by default.

    These include files like thumbs.db or desktop.ini, which are not typically useful for general users and can clutter...


    • windows-11-files-2.png
      23.6 KB · Views: 162
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    URL Redirection Checker: Identifying Multiple Destination Paths in Google Sheets

    When I'm working on website migrations or large numbers of redirects. I tend to do them in batches as it can often be easier to manage in batches or page types (CMS, Blog, PLP, Products, etc). Also, if you're looking...

    URL Status Code Verification in Google Sheets

    In this guide, I’ll walk you through a handy method for quickly checking the status of URLs right within Google Sheets using Google Apps Script. This is particularly useful for monitoring status codes in bulk without...

    Network Inspector Chrome Extension

    Welcome to the official page for the Network Inspector Chrome Extension.

    Screenshot 2024-05-25 235008.png

    Network Inspector is a lightweight, user-friendly Chrome extension that allows you to monitor, analyse, and debug network...
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    Hide Google AI Overviews Chrome Extension

    The Hide Google AI Overviews is a lightweight extension for the Chrome web browser that easily allows you to hide all of the intrusive AI Overviews at the top of the search results

    This extension seeks out the...
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    IONOS Firewall - Setting Nameservers using Plesk

    IONOS is a mid-market budget hosting provider. Their VPS (Virtual Private Server) and Dedicated Server offerings are reliable and stable for the price bracket. That being said, it can take some tinkering around to...
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    Excel - assign a unique number to each set of unique names, where each set consists of repeated names.

    assign a unique number to each set of unique names in column B, where each set consists of repeated names.

    This can be done using the combination of the MATCH and UNIQUE functions in Excel. Here's how you can do it...
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    Black Screen Issue in Google Chrome & Firefox

    Recently, I started to experience very annoying black screens in Google Chrome browser. It mostly happens on ad-filled web pages. Programmatic ads, video popups, etc. They are very irritating and then experience...

    add a number to the next column of data, increasing the number as the datapoint changes, and count how many times each datapoint appears

    If your data is in column B (from B2 to B45) and starts from row 2.

    1. In C2, put the number 1.
    2. In C3, put the following formula: =IF(B3=B2, C2, C2+1)
    3. Click on the cell C3, and you will see a small square...

    Guide to Google Search Operators

    Google has been instrumental in shaping our interaction with the internet since its inception. It's become an integral part of our daily lives - a gateway to an almost infinite realm of information, with answers to...

    Excel formula to remove the last forward slash

    Hello there! If you're looking to create an Excel formula that removes the last forward slash (/) from a URL in a cell, I've got just the thing for you. Using the following formula, you can achieve this easily...

    How to enable HTTP2 in EasyApache 4 on WHM (Web Host Manager)

    In this post, I will show you how to enable HTTP2 for WHM/cPanel. HTTP2 is a modern variation of the HTTP protocol and it optimizes the TCP connection between a server and a web browser.

    It cuts down on latency and...

    Increase number of HTTP connections to Apache & Web Host Manager (WHM/cPanel)

    To increase the number of connections to Apache in WHM, you can modify the following two settings:
    1. MaxClients: This setting controls the maximum number of simultaneous connections that Apache will...
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    Installing FFmpeg on CentOS

    Below is a quick and easy command line method to install the FFmpeg libraries on a CentOS machine. FFmpeg is required if you are planning to launch a video uploads website such as Youtube and Vimeo using video CMS...
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    Nofollow Link Highlighter - Free Chrome Browser Extension

    The Nofollow Link Highlighter is a free Chrome browser extension to highlight all the nofollow, sponsored and user-generated content (UGC) links on a webpage in an active browser tab. What makes this extension...

    Hide The Ads Google Chrome Extension

    The Hide The Ads is a lightweight extension for the Chrome web browser that easily allows you to hide all of the intrusive Google ads at the top and bottom of the search results without the need of using a...
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